Next album “HAVANA MEETS KINGSTON – PART II” [BACO RECORDS / 2022.06.03]   In June 2015, Australia’s leading reggae and dancehall producer and accomplished pianist, Mista Savona (aka Jake Savona), has gathered some of Cuba and Jamaica’s most influential musicians in the famous recording studio Egrem Studio in La Havana, Cuba to create a world first album. “Havana meets Kingtson – Part I”… Read more →


Deeply impressed by the music of Congolese collective Kasai Allstars, French-Senegalese director Alain Gomis drew inspiration from their music, and from the voice and character of their singer Muambuyi to write and direct his new fiction movie, entitled “Félicité“. The film’s eponymous protagonist is a proud, free-willed woman who sets out on a breakneck race through the streets of electric… Read more →

Launch of Tour Makers !!

We are very proud to announce the launch of Tour Makers, an independent European booking agency, dedicated to the service of the artists and their producers ! Our main advantage is our ability to book tours at the European level, rather global than territorial, allowing a real coherence when it comes to develop the European market. Our strong relationship with… Read more →